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Pakistan to free Indian Pilot on Friday

Indian Pilot's Release Decision by Pakistan
Pakistan's Decision to release India's Pilot

The joint session was called in the parliament of the Pakistan. In that Joint Session all the parliamentary leaders were there to attend that session. In that session the Prime minister of Pakistan Imran khan was also present. In that parliamentary session the prime minister of Pakistan announced the decision of Pakistan to free the   Indian Airforce Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthman, having service number 27981 who was captured by the Pakistan after downed the two jets by Squadron leader Hassan Siddiqui in the territory of Pakistan.
Pakistan decided to free the India's pilot on Friday just with the intention of peace. Pakistan thinks that through this peaceful gesture Pakistan can convey another message of peace to the other side of border.
India's Public & most of their Journalists welcomed the decision of Pakistan to release the India's pilot as a gesture of peace.

Pakistan captured India's Pilot:

Pakistan captured India's pilot yesterday just after the two jets downed by the Pakistan Airforce, Pakistan's Army released the photos of that pilot, but on the other side when India was claiming about killing the terrorists in Pakistan they don't released any photo, video or any certain type of evidence to prove their claim. 
Downed jet of india
India's downed jet by Pakistan air force(PAF) pilot Hassan Siddiqui
Firstly India report that crash was happened due to their jet's technical fault. Indian media played a negative and hatred role against Pakistan. After the releasing of video and images by Pakistan India admitted that they have lost their one pilot.
   Indian IAF Captain arrested by Pakistan Army

India's Captain in Pakistan's Custody:

Pakistan Army rescued the pilot and treated him well in their custody. It can be proved by a video how comfortable was the captain in Pakistan's custody. He was admitted in this video that Pakistan army treated him well and he expected same behaviour from his army as well. Pakistan did not do anything that India used to do. They behaved well and do not misbehaved him. The Indian captain was there to attack the Pakistan, despite of this fact Pakistan didn't harmed him.
                                   Indian IAF Captain praised Pakistan's Army

Pakistan Announced to Release India Airforce Captain:

Pakistan's Prime minister Imran Khan announced in the joint parliamentary session at 28-Feb-2019 that Pakistan decided to free the India's Captain on Friday. He also clearly mentioned that Pakistan don't want any type of war that is not in the benefit of both the countries because both the countries are the nuclear equipped. 
He clears that we are releasing the pilot as a gesture of peace don't consider that we are scared or feeling any type of fear of war. Imran Khan said that yesterday he was about to call Narendra Modi. Pakistan is always ready for dialogue or anything but Pakistan don't want war or any type of violence because it only cause destruction. Imran Khan also paid a tribute to Pakistan Media for their positive role in reporting.
  Prime Minister Imran Khan addresses to the joint session of Parliament

India's Media Reporting:

Pakistan announced their decision to free the India's pilot as a gesture of peace but India's media reporting creating a lot of mess again they reported it as the International power's pressure or India's pressure on Imran Khan and armed forces of Pakistan. They don't want to promote the peace in their own country just for the sake of their Prime Minister Nrendra Modi's election campaign. They thought that their anti Pakistan narrative can give a success to Modi but they don't realized that it cause huge mess and damage in their own country.

Reaction of Public:

The reaction of the public on the both side is positive they welcomed the decision of the Government of Pakistan to free the captain of India's Air force on Friday and will reached India through Wagha Border. The public of both side don't want war they also want peace in their states. It was becomes the top trend by the public of both the countries on the social media site Twitter.
So both the countries need to talk, Only with the dialogues the issues of both the countries can be resolved.


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